2 & 3 BDRM Apts available NOW. Vouchers accepted. W/S/T And Gas and WiFi included in Rent. Come pick up an Application at Oak Hill Apartments Franklin, PA or Call 814-432-4035 EHO
Available Now! 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED EXCEPT PHONE AND TELEVISION Must be 55 years or older and meet federal program requirements. Call Seneca Court Apartments (814) 677-8437 or 1-800-735-3068 This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer
Oil City: 1 BR – $550-mo. + sec. dep. , frig & stove, 724-301-7059
Village of Sugarcreek – Modern 1 BR, bath, refrigerator, elec. range, dishwasher, w & d, garage. Red brick building across from the church @ 109 Wilson St., $800 per month. Call 814-346-0059 or 505-270-6085
NEW AD: FRANKLIN: 2 Houses – 3 & 5 BR – $700 & $800/mo. 432-5160.