National Transit Building gets $40K toward upgrades

From staff reports

The Oil City Civic Center announced it has received a $40,000 grant from the Dr. and Mrs. Arthur William Phillips Charitable Trust, which has been allocated for infrastructure improvements at the National Transit Building.

“We are immensely grateful to the Dr. and Mrs. Arthur William Phillips Charitable Trust for their continued support and investment in the preservation of our community’s historical heritage. OCCC Vice Chair Patrick Pelletier said. “This grant enables us to undertake vital infrastructure improvements that will contribute significantly to the longevity and accessibility of the National Transit Building.”

The grant award follows the successful completion of necessary roof repairs, which were funded by a $100,000 grant from the trust in 2022.

Those repairs included removing the roofs on the elevator shaft on the main building, re-insulating the roof, installing new flashing, removing the old roof on the penthouse, repairing the main stair tower on the Annex, removing the existing roof drains and installing new ones, and replaced and insulated compromised sheeting.

In addition, the work included removing a broken air handler unit and re-framing and patched the roof in the area where the air handler was removed.

The OCCC said it provides office spaces for rent to nonprofits and local for-profit businesses in the National Transit Building, while also maintaining the building’s historical and structural integrity.