Economic panel hears update on 100 Seneca project

The Venango County Economic Development Authority heard a brief update on the 100 Seneca project in downtown Oil City during the panel’s monthly meeting Tuesday.

The exterior masonry contract at 100 Seneca may need to be extended to the end of November because of supply chain issues with getting pre-cast stone, Emily Lewis, the authority’s executive director, said.

The construction crew working on the building’s critical infrastructure is busy and there is “plenty of work for them to do” while they wait for the chiller and boiler to arrive, Lewis said.

She added that due to the supply chain issues, the lead time on the boiler and chiller was about 40 months and those items should be arriving in April 2023.

Lewis said she has posted the open eAcademy teacher position and so far has received one application. The job posting will remain up until the end of the month, she said.

The teaching position was vacated last month when Taylor Mosher left to spend more time at home taking care of her young son.

The county has also received two applications from students interested in participating in the eAcademy next year, which is about on schedule for this time of year, Lewis said.


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