Team Building Day 2022

Student contributor

The students and teachers of Oil City Senior High School took part in the annual Team Building Day on Oct. 6, 2022, at Two Mile Run County Park.

The students and teachers spent half of the day taking part in different activities and stations with the goal of working together. Some stations focused on students’ intellectual sides with games like Family Feud and an escape room. Other stations were more physical, like the obstacle course. One station incorporated both while also including creativity with a sandcastle building competition.

The students and teachers spent the rest of the day having some fun with their friends. They played games like capture the flag or board games, making crafts, and more.

The stations and activities were made possible by the Leadership Council of OCHS. The council’s hard work added another successful Team Building Day to their books.


Alex Power is a student at Oil City High School and a member of the school’s Oiler News staff.