Franklin solicitor says Pokemon GO could get local youngsters into trouble

Pinsir, a Pokemon, is found by a group of Pokemon Go players, Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at Bayfront Park in downtown Miami. The "Pokemon Go" craze has sent legions of players hiking around cities and battling with "pocket monsters" on their smartphones. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
 Franklin solicitor Brian Spaid warned city council members Monday night that the Pokemon GO video game sensation could get local youth into trouble.

Spaid said he was walking out of his office late Sunday night when he saw two groups of youngsters walking around playing the augmented-reality game.

“If you see people walking around with their phones in their face and they’re looking around, what they’re looking for, they’re not texting, some of them are chasing Pokemon,” Spaid said.

He asked city residents to keep an eye out for people not paying attention while they play, as the game might prove a distraction for pedestrians.

“Kids are out, there’s no school. I don’t want to see any children or teenagers get in trouble,” Spaid said.

Spaid says the application features landmarks where players can go collect Pokemon and that locales such as Bandstand Park close at 11 p.m.

“You can’t be in the park after 11 p.m. chasing Pokemon. Also, there’s a curfew for minors at midnight,” Spaid said. “So parents, just be aware. Make sure your kids aren’t running around in parks or hanging out after midnight on the sidewalks chasing Pokemon.”

Spaid said he doubts local police will do anything more than issue warnings.

“It’s fine, they’re being innocent, but if they stay out too late they might get themselves in trouble,” Spaid said.

Deputy mayor Donna Fletcher also warned that Pokemon GO players would “need to respect private property.”