Pitt-Titusville hub moves to elevated risk posture

From staff reports

The University of Pittsburgh at Titusville’s Education and Training Hub has moved from guarded to elevated risk posture, which imposes some additional restrictions on campus to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

The decision was made due to the rising numbers of positive COVID-19 cases across Pennsylvania, including in Crawford County, and the anticipated surge in cases due to holiday travel and close contacts.

This decision comes at the fall semester’s end and affects minimal staff remaining on campus.

In addition to the continuous mask wearing when on campus, an elevated risk posture encourages staff members to remain at home and telecommute, unless it is impossible to do so, to further reduce the chance of exposure to COVID-19.

“As COVID-19 cases in our community and in the nation continue to rise, it’s critical that we take care of ourselves and each other by following the health guidelines,” said Catherine Koverola, Pitt-Titusville’s president.

“Continue to wear a face covering, maintain physical distancing and practice good hand hygiene,” Koverola said.

Spring semester classes are scheduled to resume in mid-January.

As it gets closer to the spring semester, additional updates on the implications for classes will be provided.