Coffee In Between to close

After filling the temporary void in Franklin after the closure of Bossa Nova, and serving residents for about a year and a half, Coffee In Between will be closing.

Tammy Bible, who co-owns The Olive Vault and Coffee In Between with her husband, David, said the last day planned for the coffee shop to be open is April 1 and “maybe, possibly a few extra days.”

Bible said there were “a couple factors” that went into the decision, but the main reason was wanting to dedicate the space to The Olive Vault and classes.

Cooking and demonstration classes are something, Bible said, she “always wanted to do since I opened the store, but I never had space. Now I do, so it just makes sense to do the classes.”

Bible said she also wants to expand retail space for The Olive Vault along with dedicating more space for the cooking and demonstration classes, which already have begun. And, the original reason Coffee In Between was started no longer exists.

“When we opened, it was to fill a void after Bossa Nova closed, when we didn’t have a coffee shop in town,” Bible said. “But now we have a coffee shop,” she said in reference to Iron Furnace Coffee, which opened in May.

“The response was so magnificent to Coffee In Between that we kept it going.”

But Bible said she doesn’t believe she is serving her customers well by splitting herself between two businesses, so she and her husband are planning to focus exclusively on the Olive Vault, which “is my passion and my love.”

“We have lots of ideas with what we wanna do and new products we want to put in,” she said.