OC students win 3rd place in statewide competition

From staff reports

Oil City Middle School students won third place in a statewide video competition.

The “What’s So Cool about Manufacturing” video contest gives students the opportunity to interact with local manufacturers as they gain new perspectives about careers and technology, record their experiences and present them in an educational and “cool” way through documentary video production.

The Oil City team partnered with the Matric Group in Seneca.

The contest was created to generate excitement that draws students toward considering manufacturing career paths to create a 21st century workforce. WSCM has garnered over 3,000,000 combined votes by the public during regional online voting dates since its inception in 2013, and more than 50% of Pennsylvania school districts have participated in the program.

The “Best of PA” awards event was streamed live Tuesday and the top three winners among 22 teams were announced.

The Oil City team consists of Carley Ames, Mackenzie Canaan, Shalyn Whittemore, Sarah Fox, Memphis Hulver, Olivia Vorse and Mackayla Canaan. Brian Rondinelli served as the teacher-coach for the team.

To make it to the state level of competition, the Oil City team won the Viewers’ Choice and best Overall Program awards at the Forest-Oil Region contest, which included schools in Venango, Forest, Clarion and Warren counties.