Students Solve World Crisis (Model UN)

Cranberry High School student delegates who participated in the Model UN activity at the 11th annual Westminster United Nations Conference. (By Gayle Mitchell)

Cranberry Chronicles staff report

On Monday, April 15, Cranberry students attended the 11th annual Westminster United Nations Conference.

Cranberry High School students represented one delegation. However, their delegation was split into two different countries: United Kingdom Delegation (U.K.)  and Equatorial Guinea Delegation (E.G.). Students worked to solve the created crisis from the viewpoint of these countries.

Preparation for this event required each student to research his/her roles and write a position paper on their topics which had to be submitted prior to the conference.

Cranberry, as its own delegation, included several subcommittees.

Of note, Kaia Dean and River Perry were awarded an honorable mention for their work as delegates for Equatorial Guinea in the World Health Organization.

The following included delegates who participated and the committees they served on:

Historical Security Council of 1962: Dylan Lu (U.K.)

Contemporary Security Council: Sara Uddin (U.K)

General Assembly First Committee: (arms control)

Brooke Whitling and Ellabay Perry (U.K.)  Noel Bunyak and Connor Miller (E.G.)

*Topics: Removal of Landmines and IED’s from Former Combat Zones

Protecting Civilians in Conflict Zones

General Assembly Third Committee: (humanitarian)

Carley Gulnac and Jeremy Hacherl (U.K.)

*Topics:   Increasing Access to Water Purification

Preserving the Cultures of Ethnic Minorities

World Health Organization

Rachel Bell (U.K.)  Kaia Dean and River Perry (E.G.)

*Topics:  Ensuring and Improving Access to Vaccinations

Health Standards and GMO’s

General Assembly Sixth Committee: (legal)

Hannah Niederriter and Trevor Olson (U.K.)

*Topics:  Ethical use of Animal and Human Cloning

The Legal status of Individuals Living within Palestinian Territories

River Perry and Kaia Dean received honorable mentions at the 11th annual Westminster United Nations Conference. (By Gayle Mitchell)


Cranberry Chronicles is Cranberry High School’s journalism/publications group.