County firefighters updated on safety equipment at meeting

The Venango County Firefighters and Fire Chiefs Association heard an update at their meeting this week about safety equipment the county is making available to the group.

Representatives from a number of fire departments attended the bimonthly meeting at the Pleasantville fire hall.

Bob Jamison said the county’s fit test machine is working, more or less, and is available to the fire departments.

After the meeting, Jamison explained the fit test machine is used to make sure the masks firefighters wear with their gear fit properly.

He added that OSHA requires the firefighters to have their masks fit tested yearly, and this equipment will enable them to better comply with that obligation.

Jamison said he currently has the fit test machine and is working out some issues with the equipment. He also said that once it is working he would be glad to help other departments fit test their members’ equipment.

He also thanked the county commissioners for their help and for making county resources available to the departments.

Sam Breene, the only commissioner who attended this week’s meeting, thanked the firefighters for their persistence and said he was glad to help.

In response to questions, Breene also said the county’s side by side for emergency response has been tuned up and is in working order.

“The county commissioners are doing a good job. They are working on solving problems, so some of our problems are getting solved,” Jamison said.


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